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Truth Be Truth: This November we have a choice, and it will be the most important choice in our lifetime.


Monday, February 26, 2024

This November we have a choice, and it will be the most important choice in our lifetime.

This November we have a choice, and it will be the most important choice in our lifetime.


In less than 4 years, many parts of our homeland resemble a third-world-country. With 4 more years, Biden will destroy it. If we don’t put President Trump back in the White House, we won’t have a country left worth saving. 
 ❌ We’ve lived through a full invasion of our country. 
 ❌ The worst inflation in generations. 
 ❌ Violent crime waves ravaging our communities. 
 ❌ And the most unstable globe since World War II. November 2024. What will you choose?

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