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Truth Be Truth: VSRF Live #114: The Fight for Our Kids


Friday, February 16, 2024

VSRF Live #114: The Fight for Our Kids

VSRF Live #114: The Fight for Our Kids

February 15, 2024

On this Thursday’s VSRF LIVE, Steve and Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), engage in an unforgettable discussion about the real history behind our current childhood vaccine “schedule” and the many political and economic forces which stand to benefit from it.

Ms. Loe Fisher is not only an advocate for true, informed consent around the actual risks and benefits of the 50+ vaccines children are expected to receive before the age of 18, but also a mother of a vaccine injured child. In 1980, her oldest son suffered a convulsion, collapse and brain inflammation within hours of his fourth DPT shot when he was only two and a half years old. He was left with multiple learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder and was confined to a special education classroom throughout his public school education.

As a result of this harrowing experience, she formed the NVIC, went on to author several books on the subject, and has also testified multiple times before Congress, state legislatures and other health agencies on the ruthless reality of vaccine science, policy and law. She coordinated five scientific conferences, including the 1989 International Scientific Workshop on Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines and four International Public Conferences on Vaccination in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2009 and 2020.

Join us for this eye opening discussion about the reality of vaccine benefits and risks that every parent, grandparent or concerned citizen must understand.

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